A/P - Accounts Payable         

The Accounts Payable module incorporates processing for maintaining Vendor files, and tracking and paying invoices. The Accounts Payable module integrates information to the General Ledger and Check Reconciliation modules.  Below, you will find screen shots and sample reports from this great product by Team Software, Inc.  There's more details than can be shown in a few moments here ... call or email us for more info.

The Accounts Payable module has the following features:                                                             Download FREE 30-day DEMO

1) Cash or Accrual accounting methods

2) Print IRS 1099 forms for all or selected vendors

3) Set up Recurring Invoices for invoices upon which you pay the same amount on a regular basis

4) Review and change invoices before posting to the open payables files

5) Pay invoices with computer printed checks or manual checks

6) Unpaid Invoices Aging Report to help you pay invoices on time and take advantage of discounts offered by vendors

7) Select (or remove) invoices for payment by either Selection, Vendor, Due Date, Discount Due Date, or Invoice Number.

8) automated posting of A/P expenses to our General Ledger module

9) automated posting of both computer and manual checks to our Check Reconciliation module

10) construction of your own reports from data in the A/P files through our Report Generator module *

11) integration of A/P data to a word processor or spreadsheet through our Report Generator module *

12) ability to batch-process multiple A/P options through our AutoPilot module (very useful for Month-End procedures) *


* purchased separately

A/P - Accounts Payable is included in our accounting software, free phone help for installation, and 3 months free phone support ... all for only $3,000.00.  And NO monthly maintenance or support fees!  After the first 3 months, if you need a few hours per year of assistance, you are billed at our low hourly rate (currently only $150.00/hour)!  This may mean only a few dollars per YEAR instead of a few hundred dollars per MONTH!

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On all screens, a light-blue-colored field allows you to Peform A Search to find the data.

The Vendor Maintenance program contains general information about each vendor ...

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and can also track all purchase and payment data.

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The Invoice Maintenance program appears as follows:

Vendor information is automatically copied from Vendor master records or can be entered manually for miscellaneous vendors.  Manual checks can be entered also; and invoice amounts can be entered against multiple General Ledger accounts.  Amounts can be tracked for 1099 purposes (Misc/Int/Div/Rent), and 1099 forms can be printed by the system.  You may select a number of payments to make to the vendor (if they allow you that benefit).


Team Software, Inc.

504a W. Broadway

Bradley, IL  60915

Phone: (815) 932-9986

EMail: team@teamsoftwareinc.com

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