Team Software Installation

To install Team Software on your computer:

Install On First Computer ONLY

To begin the installation of Team Software on the first computer ONLY:  Download Installation. The screen will appear similar to the following:

Select Run (not Save).

To perform the second step of the installation:  Download 2nd step. The screen will appear similar to the following:

Select Run (not Save).

To perform the final step of the installation:  Download final step. The screen will appear similar to the following:

Select Run (not Save).

After a short time, the following screen will appear.

Click the OK button to complete this step.

If you have no more modules to install, you are ready to:

Create A New Company

(On First Computer ONLY)

The following steps are necessary to create a new company:


The following screen will appear:

Type the company name you wish to create.

The Data Manager will default to B - Pervasive.  If you did not install the Pervasive data manager then select the alternate data manager 9 - Access 97.

Click the OK button to continue.

The following screen will appear and then it will begin listing files as it installs them.


If you selected a company that already exists, you will receive the following message:

Click the No button to keep the company and be able to add a module to the company.  Click the Yes button to delete ALL files for the company and start fresh with this company.

A screen similar to the following will appear:

Any modules you already have installed will be UNCHECKED.  Uncheck any other modules you DON'T want installed for this company.  Click the Accept (Checkmark) button on the toolbar to continue with the installation of the CHECKED modules for this company.

The following screen will appear and then it will begin listing files as it installs them.

In order for the installation of all files to complete, DON'T click anything at this time.

When the installation is complete the following screen will appear:

Click the OK button to complete the installation.


After all modules are installed, please run the following option on all computers to create the options on your START menu:

Create Menu Options

Select RUN not Save.


Now you are ready to run the SECURITY option to grant access to the programs:  From the START button, select PROGRAMS, then TEAM SOFTWARE, then TEAM SECURITY. (If this is the first time you are running Security, the User Name is TEAM and the Password is TEAM.  You should change these immediately to ensure the security of your data.)  Instructions for the security program can be found in the help contained within the Security program or at Team Software Online Help


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